събота, 29 май 2010 г.


Контракултурата е социологически термин, който описва група от хора или субкултура на индивиди, които не споделят господстващия културен дискурс, отричайки и стараейки се да променят традиционни културни практики, вярвания или утвърдени норми на поведение от общоприетите такива за дадена епоха и място. Една речникова дефиниция гласи, че контракултурата е "култура, предимно от млади хора, със стилове на живот и ценности, противоположни на установената култура" На практика контракултурата може да включва огромен на брой и най-различни по същество, взаимноизключващи се вярвания и поведения, които варират през различните исторически периоди.Контракултурата в съвременната епоха най-често се свързва с масовата революционната младежка вълна, която минава през части на Централна Европа и Западна Европа, Северна Америка, Япония, Австралия и Нова Зеландия във втората половина на 20-ти век. В популярната култура, благодарения на многото оставени артефакти, контракултурата е предимно свързвана с англосаксонските контракултурни прояви и студентските анти-воени движения през 1960-те години. Така най-често на преден план излизат движенията Битник, последвана от субкултурата Хипи.
Известни личности, които се асоциират с контракултурните движения от втората половина на 20-ти век: Тимъти Лиъри, Робърт Антон Уилсън, Алън Уотс, Бийтълс, Джими Хендрикс, Дженис Джоплин,The Who, Бил Хикс и много други.

петък, 28 май 2010 г.

Fatboy Slim - Right Here Right Now



сряда, 26 май 2010 г.


Olga Midlenko

is motion/graphic designer and director. Olga graduated an interior design department and from the time of studying she fell in love with spaces, architecture and industrial design. She started her professional career as an interior designer mostly working with private interiors, event and corporate spaces. After two years she moved to graphic and motion design, spreading her interests. From that moment till now she works with corporate branding, identification systems, commercials, network branding for such brands as Xbox, Playstation, Konami, Adobe, Kenzo, Nike, Marlboro, Volvo. Olga works as director and designer on motion/graphic projects. Open for freelance.

понеделник, 24 май 2010 г.

christmas gift for my mum by ~jabberholic

no life

geeks and dolls


Surf "Shadows" Twilight Sensations

Baur Clara, Rooster. 1930s

Kitten Hiding

Jaws (via Mark Lobo Photography)

Dali and mustache.

naha:  gkojaz:  lickystickypickyme:  Dali and mustache.

Magical Worlds Inside Toilet

soi:  115:  futuro78:  handa:  WebUrbanist - Tiny, Magical Worlds Inside Toilet Paper Rolls


tatielle:  via lolitas.se

Just a Car Guy - up close gauges

pinto:  twink:  Just a Car Guy - up close gauges


gardens:  Bookbook - Bookbook - Twelve South sociologbook:  dannnao:  nnnsht:  kml:shrineroof:loveyourchaos:phantomwise:racheldee:punkanddisorderly:pictureimperfect:love.


hinthint:  puupuu:  daydripper:  savanna:  adaiha:  gigimelo:  ellaminnowpeas:  (via mamamonster)

by Jenny Lee Fowler

pinto:  twominutewarning:  applearts:  szymon:  portraits by Jenny Lee Fowler


Lufdesign : Leaf Tie 葉っぱの形の結束バンド。

What does that tell us about life on other planets?

Now that the tardigrade genome is being sequenced and analyzed, we may learn how these creatures finesse suspended animation. And perhaps we can modify our own genomes to do the same thing for long space journeys. Plus the fact that they can exist in vacuum means that other organisms might have a tun-like state, drifting through space in search of new worlds to thrive on.

Five Creatures That Prove Life Could Exist On Other Planets (Or In Space)

Giant sulfur-eaters of the deep
They live at the edges of molten-hot volcanic vents deep beneath the ocean, and they feed on sulfides delivered to them by local bacteria. These giant tube worms, which can reach 7 feet in length, live a mile below the ocean surface under extreme pressure. Their tips are bright red because they're filled with blood - these worms are seriously packed with blood vessels. And they prefer live at the edge of "black smokers," volcanic vents where temperatures can be extremely hot.

What does this tell us about life on other planets?
The interesting thing about giant tube worms isn't that they can withstand extreme heat, but that they can gain nourishment in an environment with chemistry radically different from our atmosphere. They're basically eating sulfides, which are abundant on planets like Venus, where it occasionally snows iron sulfide. Could tube worms thrive on Venus, with its heat and high pressures and sulfide weather?

What does this tell us about life on other planets?
Like the tube worms, these microbes are able to gain energy and thrive on chemical compounds totally alien to typical Earth creatures. A creature that eats iron oxides, instead of photosynthesizing light or chomping on organic compounds like we do? It could possibly thrive in the salty, iron-rich seas beneath the thick layer of ice that covers Jupiter's moon Europa.

Five Creatures That Prove Life Could Exist On Other Planets (Or In Space)


(via silent-musings)

Roman Romanyshyn, Adam and Eve

silent-musings:  giorney:  Roman Romanyshyn, Adam and Eve   via yama-bato: Adam and Eve

Katarina Vavrova

silent-musings:  kirgiakos:  Katarina Vavrova

Odilon Redon 1840-1916

shinyslingback:  illustrality:  ajourneyroundmyskull:  themagiclantern:  Odilon Redon 1840-1916 A Mask Sounds the Funeral Knell, plate three from To Edgar Poe, 1882 Lithograph (Thanks, sealmaiden)

A Mask Sounds the Funeral Knell, plate three from To Edgar Poe, 1882


princesata i grahovoto zarno

shinyslingback:  bhulove:  Princess and the Pea by Edmund Dulac


shinyslingback:  libraryland:  moonlitcorner:  ‘Tis moonlight, summer moonlight, All soft and still and fair; The solemn hour of midnight Breathes sweet thoughts everywhere,But most where trees are sending Their breezy boughs on high, Or stooping low are lending A shelter from the sky.And there in those wild bowers A lovely form is laid; Green grass and dew-steeped flowers Wave gently round her head.  ~ Emily Brontë (image via rita vita finzi)

‘Tis moonlight, summer moonlight,
All soft and still and fair;
The solemn hour of midnight
Breathes sweet thoughts everywhere,

But most where trees are sending
Their breezy boughs on high,
Or stooping low are lending
A shelter from the sky.

And there in those wild bowers
A lovely form is laid;
Green grass and dew-steeped flowers
Wave gently round her head.

~ Emily Brontë